
Welcome to my website. I am Chester Lee Chen Jie

Table Setting

MTN3013 Computer Organization and Architecture

IT Exhibition

MTN3013 was one of my minor subject during my semester 5. In this subject, we were asked to create our own product out of working recycled parts of a laptop or any device. We ended up creating a Heads Up Display (HUD) for this project and it was a success. We created the product using a unused laptop and other materials such as carbon fibre aluminium and acrylic sheet to demonstrate the use of HUD in a car. The acrylic sheet is representing the windshield of the car and our laptop screen that has been disassembled as the screen that is projecting the light towards the windshield. This product is created to be a replica for car manufacturers to create a built-in HUD in future cars so that drivers do not have to look away from the road to look for navigation on their phone. With the use of a HUD, car accidents can be reduced during night time. Moreover, the fact that looking from a dark place like the road at night and looking at the phone and back to the road can cause delay in the iris constriction and expansion and can cause accidents as driver are unable to see clearly in the road.

Table Setting